-1-[After the latest mission, a vaguely familiar mobile suit arrives in the hangar. It's the Infinite Justice, complete, field-tested, and ready to be Athrun's main unit
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[Athrun is in the infirmary, awake with his upper body propped up by pillows. He has several bandages wrapped around his body in various places, and has an IV filled with painkiller inserted into his wrist. He's currently lucid, and might not mind a few visitors.]
[After ZAFT's most recent announcement, Athrun could be found leaning against a railing in the hangar, looking up at the Savior. His mind was a whirlwind of thought and emotion, though he was doing his best to keep a straight face.]
[From Athrun's PDA, a loud, dull "thud" can be heard. Anyone who happens to be near Athrun's room will find him rubbing the knuckles on his right hand.]